Olive 6th Annual Grandparents' Day Tickets & Sponsorships
Olive Community Services invites you to join us in celebrating our Annual Grandparents' Day!
Sat, September 07, 2024
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT
Stanton Central Park
10660 Western Ave,
Stanton , California 90680
United States
This FREE FOR ALL event is a wonderful opportunity to come together and honor the special role that grandparents play in our lives. Enjoy a day full of fun, engaging activities, and heartwarming moments that celebrate the bond between generations. We also welcome those who wish to support our mission by becoming a sponsor. Your sponsorship helps us continue to provide valuable services and programs for our community. Whether you choose to participate or sponsor, your presence and support are greatly appreciated! Champion Sponsor $5000 Logo placement on all promotional materials (flyers, posters, website, etc.) Large logo on event banner Booth space at the event for promotional activities Verbal recognition during the event opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions on all major platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Olive Bites newsletter sent to 1000+ people) Opportunity to include promotional materials in event welcome bags Caring Sponsor $2500 Logo placement on select promotional materials (flyers, website, etc.) Medium-sized logo on event banner Booth space at the event for promotional activities Verbal recognition during the event opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions on major platforms (Facebook and Instagram) Mention in Olive Bites newsletter Supporting Sponsor $1000 Logo placement on event website and select promotional materials Booth space at the event for promotional activities Verbal recognition during the event opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions on one or two platforms (Facebook/Instagram) Family Sponsor $500 Honor your parents and grandparents Verbal recognition at event Sponsorships are tax deductable Let’s create beautiful memories together!
TICKETS Selected during registration
Adults 16+
Kids (5-16)
Kids (Below 5)
Kids Art Contest Submission!
Poetry Competition - All ages!
Sponsor Us! Champion Sponsor $5000
Sponsor Us! Caring Sponsor $2500
Sponsor Us! Supporting Sponsor $1000
Sponsor Us! Family Sponsor $500